AMERICAN SYSTEMS Selected as CARE Award Winner for Third Consecutive Year

 AMERICAN SYSTEMS, a leading provider of federal IT and engineering solutions, 今天宣布,它已被评为北弗吉尼亚家庭服务(NVFS) 2013年CARE(公司响应雇主)奖的获奖者. 该奖项旨在表彰那些提供创新、支持性和家庭友好政策的公司. This marks the third consecutive year AMERICAN SYSTEMS is recognized with the honor.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行员工的辛勤工作和奉献精神使我们能够不断超越客户的期望. Understanding the critical role our employees play, 我们非常重视创造一个优秀的工作环境,并提供独特的员工持股公司福利," said Bill Hoover, President and CEO at AMERICAN SYSTEMS. "We're honored to receive the CARE award for the third consecutive year."

AMERICAN SYSTEMS offers unique benefits for its employees, as a majority-owned Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP) company. As an ESOP company, 员工的杰出表现通过个人与组织成功的利害关系得到奖励. 该公司还强调支持工薪家庭的需求和实现工作与生活的平衡.

CARE Award recipients are selected by NVFS for exceptional policies and benefits, and company culture and philosophy. CARE提名委员会的成员将访问每个入围公司,并采访从初级员工到高级管理人员的员工. Winners of the 21st annual CARE Awards will be recognized on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at the Waterford at Fair Oaks in Fairfax, Va.

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